What’s the deal with the Antler Guard
We have a melee/ranged/mage offhand, with no quest requirements or defence levels currently proposed, that is slightly worse than the Dragon defender and odium ward, with horrendous defence for some reason.
The only accounts that would ever use this weapon… combat pures of course. They don’t care about defence, don’t have any good offhands, and can’t get their own rewards to pass a poll. +3/5 strength, a whole bunch of attack, ranged strength. All new to them.
As weak as +2 ranged strength is for any account, a 0 defence rune defender is exactly whats being polled.
As usual, any mention of pvp was intentionally left out when that is the biggest use case. After multiple YEARS of failed polls specifically aimed at buffing pures, they continue to shoe horn the content in other places.
Call a spade a spade. This is how you make spite voters.